Wednesday, February 5, 2014

NEWS: Letter to Send to Congress Over Propane "Shortage" Issues - TAKE ACTION!

NORM, the National Association of Raw Materials, has drafted a document regarding the supposed shortage of propane which is currently wreaking havoc on homeowners across the country. I have  included a link to the document, on letterhead, which you can alter with your signature as well as changing the "Dear Elected Official" to personalize it for your very own Congressional idiots.

Please print it out to mail to your own Congressional idiots, and please also pass it along either by sending out the link to this post or to the document itself.

Since I was given permission to share this post "everywhere" - feel free to share at forums, fb, twitter, and any- as well as everywhere you can think of!

We need MASSIVE numbers of people letting DC know we are watching (and aware!) on all fronts, and these legislators had better start doing the right thing instead of reenforcing the "status quo."


NORM - Propane Letter

In Liberty,