I Only Warn Ya Once...
I want to warn folks - my politics are not popular. They are about as far from being "correct" as anybody can get, and I could make Ron Paul blush at times.
So far as tact - I cannot deliver what I do not possess. Of course, this goes for weapons, choice in health care, freedom of speech and assembly, and many other things as well.
This is my rant blog.
If you don't agree, please lets have a discussion - I might be hard to convince, but I'm not stupid. I am merely fed up... "To Here!" as the saying goes.
I use far more judgement and compassion on my other blogs, but here I am going to get downright "mean, terrible, nasty and hard to get along with." I stole that, by the way, from my Mother, who always told me that when I was being admonished for some wrong-doing or another. I come by it naturally.....
Just so ya know.
This Ain't the First Time
I spent nearly a decade working with a great group of people from all over the country... From Alaska to Wisconsin, Arkansas to Washington, and Alabama to... well... you get the picture. First, the topic was the despotic Department of Homeland Insecurity. Then it was the National Animal Identification System.
Though we were told we "won" on NAIS, in fact it is alive and well and threatening you - the conscious but misinformed consumer - as I type. Anyway, by way of background, you can probably still Google my name, and you'll see that I was - and AM - anything but tactfully inclined when riled.
And, congress, the president (caps when earned), and just about every other level of government has gone and done it again. So here we are...
If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, they'd better take cover cause they've insulted everyone that considers themselves American - and a lot of us are women.
They've stolen our money, abused our children, raped our Constitution, murdered Sanity and Reason, not to mention our family members, and buried our hope. They've lied, cheated, poisoned and beaten us. And for what??? A buck, a name and a spot at the UN.
The "Powers that Be" are all about control. They'll manufacture a nuclear blast in your backyard to get you to fear them. Why? Because they know they only govern by the consent of the governed - and the governed are getting damned sick and tired of the fiasco. So they scare us.
Problem... Some of us aren't so scared anymore - at least not over false flag BS and manipulated economic foibles. And when we stop getting scared, we get pissed. And that is one thing the governing morons just can't deal with.
Dictionary Definitions
Anybody that bothers to look me up knows I have one pet peeve above all others, and that is the manipulation of the masses using the English language. They prey on us via our own laziness...
They call us "STAKEHOLDERS." Big fat stupid lie. Do you KNOW what a stakeholder is???
The Webster and Black's Law definition of a stakeholder is someone holding the stakes for two betting parties. Well, if WE are the stake holders, then our money, land, rights and sovereignty are the stakes... But who are the two betting parties???
"SUSTAINABLE" is another one. Sustainable development comes to mind... Sustainable to WHO? The taking of private property through means of manipulated data, faulty reasoning and downright lies is more like it - sustainable only to the liars, thieves and criminals.
"GLOBAL WARMING" is a third. If we are the cause of global warming on Planet Earth, then who's responsible for the increasing heat and magnetic fields on the other eight (oops... seven, I forgot they demoted Pluto)???? Who's melting those Martian ice caps? Who is it that is brewing up the hexogonal storms on Saturn? Who blew up the nuclear power plants on Uranus?? Wow...
We're All In This Together, So...
Because this is my "up for a fight" blog, where I intend to take out my frustrations wholesale every time I get to "this point" I not only invite, but ENCOURAGE
Please, PLEASE share. Vent, Gripe, Say Your Piece! Post links, send me stories, this blog's up for grabs. We need to get it out so we can think clearly about how to create the changes we need and want to so, so let's have at it, shall we?!?!
After all - an awake and informed citizenry is really hard to take advantage of!
In Truth, Freedom and Responsiblity
PS: While on this initial rant, I want to encourage every single person who reads this blog - whether you hate me from the get go or wanna stick around - to do one thing:
Go out and get yourself a copy of the Dustin Hoffman & Robert DeNiro movie "Wag The Dog." (OR, click my affiliate link below!! Just click on the pic!) and watch it. Several times. Then watch it again in light of your evening news or an hour or so with CNN.
Old DH shoulda gotten the "Humanitarian Of The Year" award for that one, or the script-writer should have pulled off a Pulitzer, but nobody wants to see the truth even when its beating them over the head with a - well - just look once at the ceiling of the Rotunda at the Capital in DC....
Kinda makes ya wanna drop to your knees and pray to the Porcelain Goddess, eh?!
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